At Mullins Automotive & Truck Service Center in Ocala, transmissions are our game, and taking care of them is at the top of our list of priorities. Here are 5 things you can do to take care of your transmission, from the pros:
At Mullins Automotive & Truck Service Center in Ocala, we know that in order to keep your car in good shape, it helps to know how it works. Here’s a quick rundown of a system that’s very important, but you take for granted until there’s a problem; your brakes. While there is a multitude of configurations and levels of complexity in automotive brake systems, they all essentially work the same way. Disregarding anti-lock brake systems and the like, this is how braking works in its simplest form.
At Mullins Automotive & Truck Service Center in Ocala, our expert mechanics are here to work for you. On large commercial trucks, there’s one component that works harder than almost all the rest; your brakes. Our technicians have the knowledge and ability necessary to have your truck stopping like the day it rolled off the lot, no matter what the problem is.
Your injectors are the mechanism that delivers fuel into the cylinders of your diesel engine. As such, they’re clearly important. At Mullins Automotive & Truck Service Center in Ocala, FL, we will diagnose, maintain, and repair any injector issues you may be experiencing with your commercial or fleet trucks, in a timely and professional manner.
A light on the dash that doesn't say - washer fluid is low immediately panics you right? It can happen when you don't keep up with standard maintenance and with older vehicles, you see it due to the age of the vehicle, however here at Mullins Automotive & Truck Service Center in Ocala, we like to keep you driving happy and listening to your favorite songs or talking to friends and family worry-free! Here are some quick tips and hard lines in the sand that you do not need to ignore.
Judging by the number of near-rear-endings we witness on our morning commutes, the typical attitude toward brake maintenance appears to be, “Brakes: Don’t let them stop you!” This puzzles us because monitoring your braking system’s health is one of the most straightforward aspects of car ownership. You do have to know what to look for, though, or rather, what to listen and feel for. So let us, uh, break it down for you. Here are the top three signs that your brakes need fixing.
Part of maintaining your vehicle is keeping its safety devices in good working order, especially when there are kids in the car. Seat belts, window locks, and airbag sensors work together to keep children safe in an automobile. Though safety components are generally very reliable, they do occasionally fail. Mullins Automotive & Truck Service Center in Ocala is here when they do; here are some things to watch out for.
At Mullins Automotive & Truck Service Center in Ocala, FL, transmissions are our specialty. That means knowing how they work, how they wear out, what wears them out, and how to fix it. In this article, we’ll explore the way stop and go traffic affects your transmission.
726 N Magnolia Ave
| Ocala, FL
(352) 401-0889
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